BIM model checking functions in cooperation with Solibri are live! Learn more
BIM model checking functions in cooperation with Solibri are live! Learn more

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Digital platform smino from Switzerland focuses on efficient teamwork

The clearly structured digital platform smino enables all those involved in construction to work efficiently as a team in the realization of complex construction tasks and in all planning areas.
The special needs of architects and planners in the project are a key focus for the construction process-oriented tool. Düsseldorf, 25.5.2022: smino is the digital solution for all construction professionals who need to exchange information about their projects quickly, easily and collaboratively – from compact residential or commercial buildings to large-scale structural or civil engineering projects.
smino works particularly well for architects because the platform was developed by industry experts and takes into account their special requirements in planning and implementation.
But it also offers private and public clients, specialist technical planners and construction and general contractors the best conditions for efficient collaboration on construction projects.
A clear structure and intuitive operation characterize the innovative tool, which limits its functions to the essentials and necessities.
This means that even companies that are still in the early stages of digitizing their processes can easily enter the digital age – with all the necessary functions and in the desired depth.
For example, plans, models and documents in 2D, 3D or in the form of PDFs or a BIM model can be stored, edited and compared centrally in the “Project space” module.
This provides a central storage location for managing all important project data.

“I am convinced that general contractors, architects and specialist planners in particular will see a significant increase in efficiency through the comprehensive use of smino as a team.” Norbert Kremmel, founder and chairman of AK Bautreuhand AG

Developed by architects for architects and planners

Because the requirements and overall management of construction projects are becoming increasingly complex, regardless of the size of the task, all those involved in construction need a simple and equally productive solution for project coordination during planning and implementation. smino is a digital platform developed and founded by architect and construction manager Sandor Balogh and experienced digitalization entrepreneur Silvio Beer to meet precisely these needs.
As an interdisciplinary team of developers, the two know from many years of professional experience that construction projects can only run optimally if they are implemented jointly across disciplines.
“With smino,” explains founder and architect Sandor Balogh, “we structure the huge flood of information among all project participants so that no chaos breaks out. Everyone should retain control and an overview.”
This is also where the company name comes from.
smino is the Greek word for “swarm” and stands for the ability to work together consistently.
At smino, a clear structure with a modular design ensures order and control in planning, tendering, construction supervision, defect rectification and final documentation.
This is achieved primarily through the automation of processes, continuous quality improvement that takes into account new standards and requirements, and good traceability of each work step.
smino uses functioning interfaces to network all those involved in construction for the benefit of open and comprehensive data exchange.
smino is already the market leader in Switzerland, not least because of its integrated workflow.

“With other systems, a lot of information often has to be filled in before the plan can even be uploaded. I find that extremely tedious and time-consuming. With smino, both the upload and the versioning of the plan statuses couldn’t be easier – really intelligent!” Fabio Compagno, project manager and IT manager at SAM Architekten

Optimized communication in the BIM planning model

The integration of the BIM planning method into the everyday work of architects and specialist engineers is progressing steadily.
As a result, the open exchange of complete specialist models via IFC and comments via BCF files in partial sections of the specialist plans is becoming increasingly important.
A BCF import function in the construction process-oriented tool smino therefore allows BCF files to be uploaded.
The tasks are automatically distributed to the responsible persons via the digital platform.
The system links generated BIM tasks with the respective specialist models.
A mouse click on the model section opens the model in the integrated 3D viewer – always correctly, even with several superimposed models.
Changes can be highlighted in color or filtered for comparison.
During the meeting on a PC, laptop or tablet, you can navigate through the model via a web browser, take measurements, create sectional planes or break down the model into individual components.
This makes smino a supplementary, location-independent “ad hoc” planning tool directly on the construction site or in the office.

smino in Germany

Since the beginning of 2022, smino has been represented in Germany with its own branch in Düsseldorf in addition to two locations in Switzerland.
The team is growing continuously and the first projects are in the pipeline.
smino Germany Country Manager and Managing Director Andreas Terhardt“smino provides architects with a tool with real added value. Our platform offers long overdue support for overcoming the many challenges in the project.”

About smino

smino is an up-and-coming PropTech scale-up from Switzerland and is revolutionizing the construction industry with the development of modern and digital tools.
smino is already the market leader in Switzerland and has also been represented in Germany at the Düsseldorf Oberkassel site since 2022.
smino was founded in 2016 by Sandor Balogh and Silvio Beer with the aim of providing the construction industry with a digital tool to overcome current and future challenges.
The successful implementation of a construction project and customer satisfaction are the top priorities.
The vision of a holistic platform for collaboration, information management and a general increase in efficiency became a reality with the market launch at Swissbau 2018 and has been driven forward ever since.
More than 40 employees are now doing everything they can to ensure that the numerous customers throughout the DACH region can concentrate on the essentials: Building.
Another outstanding feature of the smino team is its very close collaboration with customers and partners in order to lead the construction industry into the future together.



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