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BIM model checking functions in cooperation with Solibri are live! Learn more

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Digital platform smino from Switzerland focuses on efficient teamwork

The clearly structured smino digital platform enables all those involved in construction to work efficiently as a team in all planning processes and in the realization of complex construction tasks.
The functions are always limited to the essentials: they are modular and clearly structured.
Thanks to this simplicity, even companies that are only at the very beginning of their digitalization journey will find it easy to enter a new era with smino. Düsseldorf, 25.5.2022: smino is the digital solution for all construction professionals who need to share information about their projects quickly and easily – from compact residential or commercial buildings to large-scale structural or civil engineering projects.smino works particularly well for construction and general contractors because the platform was developed by industry experts.
But it also offers private and public clients, architects and technical planners the best conditions for efficient collaboration on construction projects.
A clear structure and intuitive operation characterize the innovative tool, which is limited to the essentials.
Thanks to this simplicity, even companies that are still at the beginning of their digitalization process can effortlessly enter the new age.

The path to construction site 4.0

“I am convinced that general contractors, architects and specialist planners in particular will see a significant increase in efficiency through the comprehensive use of smino as a team.” Norbert Kremmel, founder and chairman of AK Bautreuhand AG

The transformation to Construction Site 4.0 is a long-term process.
Innovative and future-proof technologies are already revolutionizing our construction sites through digitalization and automation.
The operation and use of tools, machines and even entire construction site fleets are gradually becoming digital.
In order to exploit the full potential, such as efficiency, time and cost savings or high digital precision, it also makes sense to digitalize your own business processes.

Clear structure, modular design

Communication within the entire project team is particularly important on every construction site – and this should take place with as little friction as possible due to error-prone analog processes.
Together with experienced digitalization entrepreneur Silvio Beer, architect and site manager Sandor Balogh developed and founded the digital platform smino specifically to meet the needs of project participants: it connects all project participants from all trades via clever modules such as the construction diary, acceptance protocol, task and defect management or logging.
The platform also includes communication tools that can replace the classic e-mail inbox in the project.
All important messages can be assigned directly to the project and to-dos can be defined.
A clearly structured interface with a modular structure ensures order, clarity and control for all construction tasks – and this in the area of conflict between time pressure and diligence, meetings and quality management, defect rectification, building acceptance and property documentation.
This is achieved primarily through the automation of processes, continuous quality improvement and good traceability of all work steps, both mobile and stationary, online and offline.
In Switzerland, smino is already the market leader, not least because of its integrated workflow.

smino reduces complexity with the highest requirements

Complex tasks in the planning and construction phase require ever greater specialization from all partners in the project.
In particular, the requirements for building technology and fire and noise protection have increased enormously.
Added to this is the shortage of skilled workers in the construction industry.
This makes it increasingly important for companies to use the available human resources efficiently.
Another major challenge is the range of software solutions that construction and trade companies need to know and use in their day-to-day work.
Many programs are self-contained or lack functioning interfaces for open and comprehensive data exchange.
smino connects all those involved in construction, their different needs and personal knowledge and thus solves many challenges in day-to-day work.

Optimized communication in the BIM planning model

The integration of the BIM planning method in everyday construction is progressing steadily.
Since 2021, public infrastructure projects must be planned on the basis of models, i.e. with the use of BIM.
An open and cross-software exchange of planning models is therefore becoming increasingly important for joint project processing.
smino offers the necessary support here through suitable interfaces and an integrated 3D viewer with which models can be viewed and corrections added.
Even during the construction meeting, the model can be navigated through, corrections entered or measurements taken via the web browser on a laptop or tablet.
smino is therefore a powerful and location-independent “ad hoc” planning tool directly for the construction site.

smino in Germany

In addition to two locations in Switzerland, smino has also been represented in Germany with its own branch in Düsseldorf since the beginning of 2022.
smino Germany Country Manager and Managing Director Andreas Terhardt: “With smino, we offer our construction companies a tool that can be quickly and efficiently integrated into office and construction site workflows. We can rely on valuable know-how and a wide range of experience: In Switzerland, five years after the smino launch, we are very successful and firmly established as an important working tool for many construction companies.”

“We now simply have the most important plans on smino, which we need to mark tasks and defects or for log entries. That’s a great relief.” David Michel, Project Manager b+p baurealisation ag

About smino

smino is an up-and-coming PropTech scale-up from Switzerland and is revolutionizing the construction industry with the development of modern and digital tools.
smino is already the market leader in Switzerland and has also been represented in Germany at the Düsseldorf Oberkassel site since 2022.
smino was founded in 2016 by Sandor Balogh and Silvio Beer with the aim of providing the construction industry with a digital tool to overcome current and future challenges.
The successful implementation of a construction project and customer satisfaction are the top priorities.
The vision of a holistic platform for collaboration, information management and a general increase in efficiency became a reality with the market launch at Swissbau 2018 and has been driven forward ever since.
More than 40 employees are now doing everything they can to ensure that the numerous customers throughout the DACH region can concentrate on the essentials: Building.
Another outstanding feature of the smino team is its very close collaboration with customers and partners in order to lead the construction industry into the future together.



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