Digital platform for architects
Creating great things together with
the digital Project solution for
Architecture is a demanding task that requires your utmost attention and competence. smino helps you to maintain an overview of the individual teams and... . deine Projekte zu behalten und deine Ideen durchzusetzen. Dank intelligentem und intuitiven Mängel- und Aufgabenmanagement behältst du immer den Überblick und bleibst im Zeitplan.
Your Advantages at a glance
Effective communication
Digital tangibility
All project data is quickly and easily accessible digitally.
Transparent project progress
Less stress and more
Whether it’s logs, construction journal, schedule or document storage – with smino you have all digital tools in one place.
Whether in the office or on the road, with smino you always have your architecture projects under control.
The digital platform for architects works on smartphones and tablets as well as desktop PCs and offers many functions for task management, report creation and communication.
Thanks to the offline function, you can access your data at any time, regardless of your location.
New Perspectives
Have you put your heart and soul into a design, but the client wants to implement the building project differently than planned? This can be frustrating at first, but it can also be a great opportunity. You can develop new ideas together and possibly find an even better solution.
With smino, collaboration is effortless and efficient.
Benefit from a digital platform that enables transparent and direct communication with your customers.
With smino, you have access to your projects anytime and anywhere and can monitor and present project progress in real time.
This makes collaboration a successful and enjoyable experience.
Keep an overview of your work
With smino, you can keep track of your construction projects, whether you’re in the office or on the road.
The software is available on mobile and desktop and offers many functions for task management, to create logs and for smooth communication.
Strictly speaking, we don’t have a desktop version, but a cloud version.
The word cloud does not appear anywhere
Intuitive and available everywhere:
Simple operation even for beginners
Central storage of all plans, logs and contacts
Seamless integration with Windows, Mac, Android and iOS
You will find that working digitally promotes collaboration and improves the end result.
Create better architecture
Efficient and smooth communication and transparent progress tracking make it easier for you to collaborate with clients and project participants.
As an architect, you can concentrate on developing creative and high-quality architecture without being overburdened by administrative tasks.
Rely on smino for less stress and more success.
Do we always use the female form now?
In other words:
Improved communication and collaboration with all stakeholders on a digital platform
Reduction of misunderstandings and conflicts
Always the latest plan
With smino you master the management of plans.
All plans and their versions are stored and sorted centrally so that you always have the latest version to hand and can maintain an overview.
Clear version labels make it even easier to keep track of them.
Your advantages:
Reduction of misunderstandings and delays
Efficient and accurate implementation of changes
Your Functions
With smino, you can always call up all protocols, plans and tasks and go to the next appointment much more relaxed.
This is because smino’s functions provide you with noticeable support in your day-to-day work and improve collaboration in construction projects.
With a central project room from smino, for example, you can manage documents and tasks.
This gives you more time to focus on your core business, the architecture.
CDE / Project room
Checklists are indispensable in the construction industry.
They help you to structure work processes and ensure that no important details are overlooked.
With digital checklists, you can record tasks, defects and protocolsThe Common Data Environment (CDE) from smino improves collaboration in the project because everyone involved can access up-to-date data centrally via the apps installed on the mobile devices or the browser.
This keeps everyone up to date and reduces errors and misunderstandings.
Systematically record and manage.
This means that all relevant steps can be documented and tracked.
Advantages of the CDE:
- Efficiency in project management through quick and easy uploading, sharing and updating of documents and plans
- Traceability and transparency are particularly important for legal and contractual matters
- Improved data security through centralized storage and controlled access
The smino report function offers you as an architect many advantages for efficient project management.
It allows you to create logs quickly and in a structured manner so that you can keep track of all important information.
Advantages of the CDE:
- Easily share protocols with all project participants
- Assign tasks and responsibilities directly in the protocol
- Retrieve current logs at any time and from anywhere
The digital platform for architects ensures transparency and….
Traceability so that all changes and versions can be tracked seamlessly.
This detailed documentation also provides legal security and protects against potential disputes.
Overall, smino’s logging function improves communication within the team and makes collaboration more efficient and effective.
In this way, it contributes to smooth and legally compliant project management.
Working digitally with smino’s BIM functions offers you many advantages as an architect.
One important function is Solibri’s automated model checking, which is seamlessly integrated.
This performs automatic quality and collision checks so that you can identify and rectify errors at an early stage.
Important functions:
- Ensuring the highest quality standards
- Direct task management for quick validation and prioritization of error lists
- 3D viewer for visualization and navigation through 3D models
Overall, smino optimizes your workflow, increases your productivity and supports you in creating high-quality architecture.
“With other systems, a lot of information often has to be filled in before the plan can even be uploaded. I find that extremely tedious and time-consuming. With smino, both the upload and the versioning of the plan statuses couldn’t be easier – really intelligent!”
Fabio Compagno
Project Manager and IT Manager, SAM Architekten AG
Success stories
smino as the key to digitizing
construction projects
Find out how André Wille from Kaundbe Architekten AG in Liechtenstein and Switzerland has become more efficient by using smino.
He saves a lot of time, especially when it comes to task management, logs and the construction journal.
With smino, he increases the productivity of the entire team.
Keeping the focus on the really important
Architect Tobias Künzle is one of the driving forces behind digital development at Leuenberger Architekten.
What are his success factors?
And what does he value about smino?
He has some exciting insights and learnings to share – read for yourself.
The intelligent plan filing system
Discover how Fabio Compagno from SAM Architekten is using smino to drive digitalization and improve team collaboration.
Experience the benefits of modern technologies for greater efficiency and communication.
Frequently asked questions Questions
Architects use various digital solutions for their work.
AutoCAD and Autodesk Revit are leading programs for technical drawings and BIM.
SketchUp, Rhino and Lumion are popular for 3D modeling and visualizations.
Morpholio Trace and Procreate are suitable for sketches and early drafts.
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign support PowerPoint presentations and graphic design.
Floor Plan Creator is a helpful tool for creating floor plans.
Sketch is used for digital drawing and UI/UX design.
BIMx enables an interactive presentation of BIM models on mobile devices.
Project management software such as smino as well as VR tools and drones round off the equipment for modern architecture.
Augmented reality (AR) offers innovative ways to visualize designs in the real world and improve communication with clients and partners.
One of the most commonly used CAD programs by architects is AutoCAD.
AutoCAD, developed by Autodesk, is known for its versatile drawing and design tools and is used worldwide in architecture, construction and engineering.
It enables precise 2D and 3D drawings and offers extensive functions for creating detailed plans and technical drawings.
smino is a digital platform for architects that can be used on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones – whether Android, iPhone or iPad.
This versatility allows architects and construction project managers to access project management tools and data from anywhere.
This significantly increases efficiency and collaboration.
You can find the mobile apps in the respective app stores for Android apps and iPhone apps.